Tuesday, April 24, 2012

A very Français Easter

The French are absolutely mad about Easter. It is impossible to walk down the rues without being bombarded by chocolate chickens, bunnies and delicately constructed eggs. They may not do peeps, but they definitely have enough golden lindt bunnies hanging around to build/and or fuel and army. 

This Easter marked a very special event in the Acket (family whom I work for) Family. Alexis' Baptême fell on Easter Sunday, sending Eloise into a tailspin of party planning. The family (all 25 of us) would attend the ceremony and then return chez Acket for Apéritifs, champagne, finger foods and lunch. 

I wish I had taken more photos of the delicate appetizers and snacks, 
as they were very equisite and I managed to eat my weight in finger 
sandwhichs before lunch even began. I was the only "non-family"member there, 
as well as the only english speaker. Though I was timid in the beginning, I found 
myself falling into the family dynamic and teasing Gauthier and the kidsin french
 without hesitation. 

It was also my first time attending a Baptism. It was quite
a gift to attend this ceremony not only in French, but also in a very old church 
in Louvciennes, France. This quaint town has decided to forgo all traces of
modernity and remain tucked away in the 18th century (at least the town center). 

The ceremony was short and lovely; Alexis took 
it extremely seriously and was extremely proud to
 sign his name in the book all by himself. 

After the ceremony we ran (literally) to the cars, as the church had no heating 
and it was absolutely freezing, drove five minutes back to the Acket's, popped
 open champagne and let the celebrating begin. I was stuffed after the first course.
 I don't think I will ever keep up with the French and their marathon meals. 

 Traditional Baptism candies

 The Boys
 Foie Gras and toast