Sunday, December 11, 2011

Christmas cookie Party

Our friend Alexa invited us to a Christmas cookie decorating-hot wine drinking party, complete with a secret cookie recipe. Obviously we were in. I even dragged my very sick, snotty self out into the rain because I was determined not to miss cookies. I had been looking forward to it all worth it. 

Alexa really outdid herself with the cookies. I think we decorated over fifty, and she had multiple variations of sprinkles; not to mention a cheese, charcuterie and bread spread. The secret ingredient in the cookie recipe was

not telling. But it's genius. 

 Alexa: Cookie Queen

 Ariana's artwork

 My Jewish man 
Color clash
 My fish

Alexa's friend also made homemade vin chaud and it was fabulous. She added a melange of spices: whole cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg, apple juice, and chunks of orange skins. It was wonderful and a perfect recipe for holiday parties. I never thought I would be a fan of hot wine, but it is wine, and we all know how much I love my red wine.

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